South Delhi

circle rates in south delhi

Sale below Circle Rates in Delhi- All you need to know

This blog aims to provide relevant information about the Circle Rates in South Delhi. Circle Rates are the minimum property rates for the valuation of Land and Immovable Properties for the purposes of registration. It is the minimum rate decided by the Government below which the property cannot be registered. Delhi neighborhoods are classified into different categories from A-H for the...

Housing in Delhi

HOUSING IN DELHI FOR EXPATS- Home Search made easy

This article provides comprehensive information about housing in Delhi. Important things to consider by Expats before renting a Home in Delhi INITIAL ARRANGEMENTS For newly-arrived expats, it's best to stay in a hotel for the short term and there are plenty of options for all budgets. However, it could take several weeks between your arrival in the city and being able to move into your own home....

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